Televizier explains why Henny Vrienten was not commemorated at the party: ‘I really thought about it’ |  show

Televizier explains why Henny Vrienten was not commemorated at the party: ‘I really thought about it’ | show

after 57 Golden Televizier Ring Gala Cabaret artist Richard Groenendyk has raised a question in the public’s mind: Why has Henny Frentein not been commemorated in honor of the dead? The organization explains.

Thursday evening, during the Gouden Televizier-Ring Gala in Carré, there was an impressive tribute to the actors and presenters who left us last TV year. Guests in the room and viewers were shown a video of Jaap Resima and Nelson standing on the roof of Carré. the number grey rich.

The names and photos of the deceased passed over the screen. The hall was moved, but on the same evening comedian Richard Groenedyk criticized for the organization. “Okay, you. He forgot about Henny Frentin at the TV-Ring Anniversary Party,” he wrote on Instagram. “He composed a lot for ao Sesame Street And the home clock If I have. This is embarrassing in every sense of the word.

Henny Frentin, head of the popular band Do Mar, passed away last April after an illness. He has already been the author of TV shows like Nucleus And the Sesame Street He also wrote a lot of movie music. In addition, he has also been seen in bit parts in the movies Abel And the Piece of bread. Groenendijk has received a lot of support on social media. This immediately raises the question: What are the criteria?

Well Jan Root

Televizier-Ring says “henny Vrienten has been really thought of”. “Of course, I understand where the comments come from, but we choose with the actors and presenters in front of the screen. Rick van de Westlaken stated this clearly in his text at the memorial.”

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This also explains why Jean Root, known as a musician, composer and columnist, is so commemorated. Root, who also passed away in April of this year, introduced the program in the 1990s All dear players in RTL.

The following actors and presenters were celebrated at the Gouden Televizier-Ring Gala: Sien Diels, Eric van den Donk, Truus Dekker, Piet Paulusma, Jan Rot, Sis van Rossem, Eric Schneider, Gijs de Lange, Willibrord Frequin, Luuk Dresen, Cas It’s All Done , Leontien Ceulemans and Léonie Sazias.

Among them were a number of names that did not immediately highlight the younger viewer in particular. Would it be the idea to provide more information about the names for the next edition of the concert? The programs they presented and the series and/or films they showed in? the years?

“This is definitely an idea,” said an AvroTros spokesperson. I’m going to pass that along to the editors for discussion. On the other hand, you might also feel a little crazy if you put, for example with Miss Bowman, “known from”, because that’s already obvious. But we’ll take it with us.”

Hear also the AD Media Podcast with Angela de Young’s reaction this week to the much-discussed scene on Five Live, where the panel disagreed over parental leave for Wietze de Jager and the Rampvlucht was discussed. Listen below or subscribe via spotify or Itunes.

Watch all the program’s videos and entertainment here:

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