Storming the Europa League Global Rankings;  Also popular in America  RTL Boulevard

Storming the Europa League Global Rankings; Also popular in America RTL Boulevard

If not now, then never

Door ANP/RTL Boulevard··Edited:

© ANP (archive photo)Storming the Europa League Global Rankings;  Also popular in America  RTL Boulevard


The song ‘Europapa’ sung by Joost Klein (26) is getting good response not only in Europe but also in America. Of the more than 23 million songs streamed last week, 7.44 percent came from the U.S., according to Billboard. This is the highest US stake for a Eurovision song ever scored by Meneskin in 2021 worldwide.

advertisement board Joost points out that the imagery is significant because ‘Europapa’ is often sung in Dutch. ‘Europa’ was streamed a total of 1.75 million times in the US last week. It beat the winner Nemo by ‘The Code’ twice.

Joost’s streaming figures are still not high enough to chart on the prestigious Billboard Hot 100. However, she is at No. 14 on the US chart-maker’s dance chart this week.

Joost entered various official European charts this weekend, including topping the charts in Lithuania, Latvia and Flanders. Finland (No. 2), Croatia (3), Sweden (4), Austria (5) and Iceland (6) also have top rankings. ‘Europapa’ outranks Nemo on many lists.

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