Stars commit to inauguration in celebration of America

Stars commit to inauguration in celebration of America

A large number of celebrities contributed to the “Celebrate America” ​​program on Wednesday evening on the Internet to mark the inauguration of the new US President Joe Biden (78). The concert featured Bruce Springsteen, Justin Timberlake, Jon Bon Jovi, Jon Legend, Foo Fighters and Demi Lovato.

“Today we are witnessing a continuation of our American ideals.”

Bruce Springsteen began at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington with the song “Land of Hope and Dreams.” Then Tom Hanks spoke. “In the last few weeks, the last few years, we’ve seen a deep division and worrying bitterness in our country. But tonight we’re thinking about the United States of America,” the actor said.

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“In accordance with our democratic traditions, the foundations of our republic, the integrity of our constitution, and the hopes and dreams we share for a more perfect union,” Tom continued. “For some, the presidential inauguration is a tradition, a moment that denotes a four-year term. But in reality, Inauguration Day is more than the swearing in of upcoming national leaders. Today we are witnessing the continuation of our American ideal.”

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ANP Street / RTL

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