Sports chests at sea with Marvia

Sports chests at sea with Marvia

Committed to a vibrant Netherlands, Sportfonds has chosen the Marvia brand portal to provide a better digital service for all affiliated properties. The Sport Funds brand portal will stimulate local entrepreneurship in more than 500 branches and properties and help spread the renewed home style.

At a time when health and vitality is becoming a more important topic, Sportfondsen has launched the new winnings “Sports boxes give energy”. The new push and accompanying modernization of the style of the house is a translation of the sports funds’ mission to make Holland lively.

Bart Mutter, Director of Marketing and Communications at Sport Funds Netherlands said: “We believe that sport and exercise give you energy and that is what keeps you energetic. Whether you are moving to relax, meet, learn or challenge yourself, you will come home with energy. In order to spread this in the right way, we will help All affiliated accommodations have all the necessary digital resources. The Marvia brand portal plays an irreplaceable role in this.”

Angela van Westen (Sports Box Marketing Officer and Brand Portal): “We want to roll out our rejuvenating box house style in a service-oriented manner in over 500 of our pools, gyms, fitness centers and other meeting spaces. It’s all about ease of use for my colleagues. and providing greater quality and standardization in all of our communications. Central and local. As a specialist in the field of local marketing programmes, Marvia is the ideal partner to make this happen.”

The Sportfonds brand portal is designed in such a way that it is easy for everyone to find and use all materials such as logos, images, videos and templates. In addition, the portal also includes an interactive calendar of events and best practices can be shared between accommodations.

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On July 13, 2021, sports funds will start using the Marvia brand portal.

above marvia
Marvia makes brands more successful by revitalizing their local marketing potential. The company is considered a leader in automation for local marketing purposes. Marvia offers a comprehensive solution that allows brands to centrally manage their marketing materials and allows their decentralized teams and partners to easily adapt their marketing materials on a local level. Through this, Marvia is already helping more than 70 brands increase their local visibility, improve brand consistency and reduce operational marketing costs.

The company now operates in 89 countries and has more than 80,000 users worldwide. The ambition is to conquer Europe and North America. The Marvia platform is used by many well-known brands including PostNL, Albron, Channable, De Hypotheker, Domino’s Pizza, Sligro, SNS, Duux and several political parties.

About sports boxes
In the sports funds, there are about 3,000 employees willing to commit to a vibrant Netherlands every day. They do this from more than 500 branches and residences with about 80 municipalities, social partners and visitors. Sports boxes believe that everyone can be vibrant by being active. Because movement, alone or together, gives you energy. And the fun. Whether you’re moving to relax, to challenge yourself, to learn, or to get together, gym boxes provide that energy.
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