Sleeping separately when someone is snoring will benefit your relationship

Sleeping separately when someone is snoring will benefit your relationship

According to neuroscience professor Russell Foster, couples who decide to sleep separately enter into an entirely new relationship with their partner. This idea was put forward by Foster at a meeting in Oxford. Foster spoke in a talk about how to get a better night’s sleep. Loud snoring seems to be one of the drawbacks that insomnia sufferers often face.

in Watchman They explain Foster’s lecture. “So many people come up to me, often alone, and ask sheepishly, ‘What can I do about this? “Earplugs don’t work,” says the scientist. But Foster believes the answer doesn’t have to be complicated. He believes that separate rooms can not only be the answer to your sleep issues, but it will also benefit your relationship.

He noticed that not everyone is immediately drawn to the idea. Many people fear that sleeping apart might be the end of their romantic relationship. “But it actually means starting a new and often healthier relationship, in which both partners are happier. When you sleep more, you’re less impulsive and irritable,” Foster says. It causes tension in the relationship.”I think you shouldn’t be afraid to sleep in a different room than your partner’s.”

Foster also stresses in his lecture that it is important to make your partner aware of the problem and to see a doctor at the right time. Snoring is one of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea, and it’s important to catch the condition early. Because without treatment it can be dangerous.

Another piece of advice the professor gave to the audience was to wake up with the morning light. This is good for what is called the circadian rhythm. This rhythm responds to the light the body receives, for example, going out. Foster says letting the morning light in your room will help you wake up faster and with more energy.

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He also recommends against using apps that track your sleep. He’s very skeptical about it: “They’re useless. It’s okay to use these apps to see when you fall asleep, if you’re going to sleep at night, when you’ll wake up,” Foster says. REM sleep, “it’s bullshit.” Thus, blind reliance on these apps is dangerous, according to Foster: Removing the apps would reduce your anxiety about (adequate) sleep and increase the quality of your night’s sleep.

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