Significantly more infections among young people, the National Institute for HIV (RIVM) sees the situation deteriorating

Significantly more infections among young people, the National Institute for HIV (RIVM) sees the situation deteriorating

The National Institute of Public Health saw all numbers increase over the past week: not only the number of infections and hospital admissions, but also the percentage of positive tests. For a long time, infection numbers have skyrocketed, but this appears to be due in part to the fact that more and more people are getting tested as well. However, in the past week, the percentage of people who test positive has also increased slightly: from 7.7 to 8.1 percent.

Again, the younger age groups were with the largest increase, particularly among primary and secondary school students, but the numbers also increased in the older age groups.

Most of the infections per 100,000 fall into the group of 18 to 24. “As more tests are now done on children, we are finding more as well. It is precisely by isolating children quickly that we can prevent massive outbreaks,” says Susan van den Hove. By RIVM. “The increase is the smallest in the more than 70s, which is the effect of vaccination.”

However, it fears that children and young adults infected with the virus will pass the virus to older groups that have not yet been vaccinated. “At the beginning of the second wave, we also saw that the virus is not limited to young people and is spreading like an oil slick,” he added.

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