Seven, according to economists, are effective measures that politicians are unwilling to take

Seven, according to economists, are effective measures that politicians are unwilling to take

With the election date approaching, it is interesting to see how political parties are recording a number of topics that economists believe are important to society. Economics professor Bas Jacobs lists seven of them.

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Economists are often accused of gleefully not being able to agree on anything at all. If you put two economists in a room, you get three opinions, that’s the story. Mark Rutte once wished for his political opponents many economists. But contrary to popular belief, economists completely agree on many things.

Frankly, economists are in favor of free trade and against protectionism. Economists support strict competition policy and against rampant cartels and monopolies. Economists advocate equal opportunity for all companies and against the benefits that some companies get and others do not. Economists are in favor of taxing land, real estate, and inheritance, and against subsidies on wealth accumulation.

Economists support pricing of carbon dioxide emissions and oppose all kinds of exceptions for agriculture, aviation and shipping. Economists advocate a stable financial system and against …

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