Ancient Egyptian skull shows traces of cancer research
picture: The skull dating back four to five thousand years revealed the remarkable medical incisions.
picture: The skull dating back four to five thousand years revealed the remarkable medical incisions.
Pixels You’ve probably heard it before: They say that dogs resemble their owners. Whether it
How does communication between cats differ from communication between cats and humans? “Domestic cats are
There are some very difficult moments there. During the first weeks of immunotherapy, Renee was
Reactie van Dopper [–> “Gelet op onze eerdere kritiekpunten handhaven wij ons bezwaar tegen het
Ellen Boebert (62) from Midsland contracted TBE tick disease, which is rare in the Netherlands.
Image: Insect glue applied to a plant. Credit: WOR. How to make insect glue? ‘we
Where does this news come from? Vaccination against Measles, mumps, and rubella It is included
They are 50 times thinner than a human hair, making them ideal for use on
Education Minister Robert Dijkgraaf is pleased to have distributed €174 million to five groups of