Schenk Tanktransport acquires 65 tankers and 32 drivers from chocolate transport company Bidon|Fritom from Bolsward

Schenk Tanktransport acquires 65 tankers and 32 drivers from chocolate transport company Bidon|Fritom from Bolsward

Schenk Tanktransport from Papendrecht has acquired 32 truck drivers, 65 tankers and commercial agreements from the transport company Bidon|Fritom (its branches in Bolsward and Enter).

The acquisition is scheduled to be completed on January 1. An agreement was reached to take over the fleet, personnel and commercial agreements – contracts.

Bidon|Fritom is part of Sneek’s Fritom Group, which includes seven other companies. One such company is Melkweg|Fritom, a sister company that will not be taken over. Schenck will only handle ground transportation activities: Bedon office staff who work in Bolswaard will remain in Fretum. “It was also not an option for Freetom to take over the office staff. There is a lot of local business there,” explains Arjan Schenk, Director of Schenk.

From wine to chocolate

Bedoon Company | Fretom transports liquid products such as milk, glucose, wine, animal by-products, fatty acids as well as chocolate to various producers. The carrier does this in the Benelux countries, the Ruhr region of Germany and the United Kingdom.

Schenk Tanktransport has branches in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. The company’s activity is the transportation of industrial gases and liquids such as fuel, food products, natural gas and chemicals. Schenk expects to achieve sales of around €290 million this year and employ a total of 1,850 people. The company owns a large fleet that includes 1,000 trucks, 800 tank trailers, and 950 gas and liquid containers.

Papendrecht will integrate Bidon’s activities with Tanktransport Thys from Antwerp, part of Schenk. This merger creates a unit with a turnover of more than 30 million euros. “This way we can use the combined fleet on both sides,” says Schenk.

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“The workplace is the entire Benelux countries”

The name “Bedon” will disappear, and the name “Shink Tank Transport” will be attached to the 65 tankers in the first months of next year. According to Schenk, not much will change for the drivers: it mainly concerns the employees who work at Bidon in Enter, Twente. “Most of them are based there, but their workplaces are all over Benelux.”

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