Sacha Baron Cohen denies Rebel Wilson's misconduct allegations |  RTL Street

Sacha Baron Cohen denies Rebel Wilson's misconduct allegations | RTL Street

Rebel writes in her book, which will be released next week, that Sasha is on set Grimsby Brothers (2016) misbehaved. In a preview of her memoirs published by the magazine the people The company says the comedian dropped his pants and asked her to put her finger in his anus in one scene in the movie. “Now I was afraid.” “I wanted to leave, so I finally settled: I smacked him on the ass and improvised a few lines to be my character.”

According to Sasha, this is not true. There are “documents from the time, film footage, and eyewitness accounts from people who were present before, during, and after the film's production.” Grimsby Brothers According to the official spokesman, this proves that the allegations are incorrect. “According to the script, which Rebel had read and approved in advance, her character attempted to stick her finger up Sasha's character's ass. At no time did Sasha ask her to put her finger up his ass,” says a producer, adding that the actress was treated with “the utmost respect” during Photography.

Rebel announced last weekend that Sasha had banned him from mentioning his name in her book. The actress also said that she doesn't listen to that. “I will not be bullied or silenced by hiring lawyers or PR crisis managers,” she wrote on her Instagram Stories.

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