RTV Maastricht – Cardiologist MUMC + Finalist Shahinda Ghossein Topvrouw Limburg

RTV Maastricht – Cardiologist MUMC + Finalist Shahinda Ghossein Topvrouw Limburg

MUMC + Cardiologist Shahinda Ghossein is one of the finalists in the Top Woman Limburg elections 2022. The winner will be announced in September during a gala evening at Weert.

Shahinda Ghossein is training as a cardiologist and researcher in women’s health. During her PhD, she and her team established a large research group consisting of 1,700 women from all over the Netherlands. She is also the initiator and chair of the Queen of Hearts Foundation. From there, she is committed to generating more public awareness of the issue, in addition to her clinical and scientific responsibilities. For example, she has written a book about the impact of pregnancy complications on being feminine and she organizes projects at the interfaces of science, music, and art.

The Topvrouwen Limburg Foundation, which organizes elections, aims to stimulate and develop women’s entrepreneurship, women’s management and women’s energy. This election is a tribute to senior women in Limburg who are making a special contribution to the business community, society, government or science.

The other finalists are Marivonne van Kralingen, of the law firm Voor de Zaak in Venlo, and Esmiralda Thieme of pension provider AZL. Top Woman Limburg 2022 is set on September 22nd at Paterskerk in Weert.

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