Rotary organizes a lecture on America

Rotary organizes a lecture on America

America is a beautiful vacation country, a country of limitless possibilities. But it doesn't apply to everyone and it doesn't apply everywhere. It's a torn country, there are huge political divisions, the disparity between rich and poor has never been greater, freedom to bear arms leads to incredible tragedy and the racial divide in 1968 (50 years ago) is real. Officially abolished does not mean that there is no more discrimination. It would be good to know how it got to this point. As the election approaches, we must realize what is at stake and what could happen.

People's Advocate

Mr. Kenneth Manusama can answer those questions. Manusama trained as an international law lawyer, including a doctorate at the Free University of Amsterdam. He has lived in the United States for many years and has taught extensively at VU and other Dutch universities, including University College Amsterdam, but also at New York University. In recent years he has also taught US constitutional law. Since 2020, Kenneth has been a frequent commentator on American issues in various media outlets. His book 'Democracy of the Wild West' will be released on February 27, 2024. Truly an expert on America.

More information and registration

The lecture will take place at Spijkerman Eten & Drinken on Neckerdijk in Parmerend. Starts at 8:00 PM, Entry from 7:45 PM onwards. Admission is free with advance registration. You do not need to be a Rotary member to attend the lecture.

Please register in advance by emailing [email protected] with the number of people. You can also ask questions here. Or see above

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