Rocket attack on buildings in the Gaza Strip and many offices with the media

Rocket attack on buildings in the Gaza Strip and many offices with the media

The owner would have been warned before the attack that Israel would launch a missile attack. This allowed people to be evacuated from the tower. In addition to international media, the building also houses offices for other organizations and apartments. Nothing is known yet about the possible victims.

Conscious action

Reporter Olaf Queens says it was definitely a deliberate attack. Queens says the international media has relied on images that are also made in this sign. “This is not a coincidence. This is a deliberate silencing of the media. This is a policy. We are not allowed to enter Gaza and this is also a policy. Israel has closed borders to journalists, so we depend on news agencies like the Associated Press. What? A disgrace.”

This is how the building collapsed:

From Gaza this week, rockets were also fired, for example, Tel Aviv, and Israel has already hit an apartment building in Gaza. Dozens were killed on the Palestinian side. And there is still a long way to go.

They are certainly not the first rockets to be launched this week. The situation escalated completely. You can also see this in the video below:

Why is it getting out of control now?

Koons explained earlier that the order began to expel Palestinians from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem. This led to disturbances at Al-Aqsa Mosque, where Israeli police raided with tear gas and grenades. This is particularly sensitive. Hamas sought revenge and fired rockets at Jerusalem for the first time in a long time.

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Queens: “There was a severe Israeli response, and in response, rockets were fired at Tel Aviv, and then the unrest spread to other areas.”

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