Record consumption of new cars in America!  Even worse…

Record consumption of new cars in America! Even worse…

American cars don't have a reputation for being frugal, but they're certainly becoming more frugal. Although average fleet consumption is still nothing to write home about.

By 2022, all new vehicles sold in the U.S. will have achieved that average consumption 26 miles per gallon, which equates to 1 liter per 11 kilometers. This is 0.2 km more than in 2021.

Newer cars are more economical

This is expected to increase by 0.4 kilometers by 2023, bringing the ratio of new cars in the US to 11.4 to 1. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is happy, but not much better.

American three

The fact that the big three American car companies are still in last place when it comes to fuel consumption is notable – and not unexpected. After all, they all sell great pickups.

Tesla and Hyundai are the best

Stellandis is doing the best of the laggards, followed by GM and Ford. Tesla tops the list, with Hyundai and Honda coming in second and third.

SUV sales are still on the rise

The EPA report identifies a troubling development. Sales of SUVs increased by 54 percent. The number of cars and station wagons decreased by 27 percent.

Strict EPA requirements

In April this year, the EPA proposed that new cars would be 56 percent cleaner on average in 2032 than in 2026. Car manufacturers think it's too strict, and ecosystems aren't strict enough.

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