Philip Goebbels and Eric van Meeswinkel share The Smartest Person |  Currently

Philip Goebbels and Eric van Meeswinkel share The Smartest Person | Currently

Philip Goebbels, Eric van Meeswinkel, Aniko van Santen and Tim Saunders are among the participants in the new season of the smartest person† The 20th season of the NPO2 Knowledge Contest begins on Monday, July 11th.

Others also include writer Vimke van der Laan, fashion designer Bas Kosters, Goldband singer Milo Driessen, Olympic speed skating champion Thomas Kroll, LINDA.girlsEditor-in-chief Mandy Walkins and political reporter Thomas van Groningen participate. As usual, the test will be led by Martin van Rossem and Philip Frericks.

As it is the twentieth edition of the programme, a number of special candidates have been invited. For example, comedian Philip Goebbels has been ruling for years in the Flemish version of the smartest person Anniko van Santen, presenter of the program Investigation requiredin 2009 the smartest In RTL 4. Before that the smartest person Public broadcasting began in 2012, and the audition was broadcast in a similar format by Talpa and then RTL.

Last season, actor Jacob Derwig won. It was previously announced that in addition to the original program, there will also be an online series. in Smartest Person: All Stars Sixteen of the previous finalists, including Klaas Dejkoff, Francis van Bruckhuijsen, Owen Schumacher and Stefano Kaiser, will compete against each other.

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