Pamela Anderson recalls her appearance without makeup at Paris Fashion Week “with satisfaction”

Pamela Anderson recalls her appearance without makeup at Paris Fashion Week “with satisfaction”

Pamela says in a video to the Frenchman: “I did not come to Paris Fashion Week with the idea: I will not wear makeup.” Vogue magazine As she prepares for Vivienne Westwood’s show. “I put on these beautiful clothes and thought: I don’t want to compete with this outfit. I’m no longer trying to be the prettiest girl in the room. I feel free and comfortable without makeup.”

“My mother used to say, ‘There comes a time in your life when you don’t want to wear makeup anymore.’ And she was right.” Although Pam is wearing very little mascara, she is in the video.

How do you still look so radiant at the age of 56? By accepting himself. This is her big’beauty secret, Pamela reveals when asked. “Get up and experience everything as it is. It’s about accepting yourself. That’s the chapter I’m in now.”

“Sometimes life can be hard and I tell myself I’m good enough,” the Hollywood icon explains. “I also like to talk about it “life” instead of ‘aging’. The pursuit of youth is fleeting.” She concludes, “Now that I’m out on my own, it also takes the burden off my shoulders. Now I dress for myself, not for others.”

Pamela speaks in the video Vogue magazine She no longer has a hairdresser and has become the only “do’s” when it comes to her clothes. “There is beauty in self-acceptance, imperfection, and love,” she wrote alongside photos of herself from Fashion Week.

Not only fans, but Hollywood stars too are responding positively to Pamela’s makeup-free look. “The natural beauty revolution has begun,” actress Jamie Lee Curtis wrote on social media. “I so admire her courage and rebelliousness.”

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Pamela decided to ignore makeup when her makeup artist, Alexis Vogel, died in 2019 from breast cancer. she told the magazine in August deer How liberated it feels: “It was the best. Since then, without Alexis, I feel like it’s better for me not to wear makeup.”

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