Opening of new hockey, tennis and alternative venues in Watersportbahn: ‘Now we can get rid of waiting lists’ |  Ghent

Opening of new hockey, tennis and alternative venues in Watersportbahn: ‘Now we can get rid of waiting lists’ | Ghent

Alternative hockey is very popular in Flanders right now, as Gantois proves. “In a few years, our membership has grown exponentially,” says tennis teacher Philip. “The hockey club had about 500 members a few years ago, and now there are already 1,800 members. This makes it one of the largest hockey clubs in the country.” In addition, the club houses 650 tennis players and 600 tennis players. Therefore, the current sports infrastructure is in dire need of expansion. Two-and-a-half field hockey pitches and three substitute pitches at the Dunant site in Norderlan are no longer sufficient. Moreover, the tennis branch remained at the old site in Gentbruge out of necessity, and this cross situation was no longer viable either.

So a whole new site has been built on Norderlane. It consists of a hockey arena surrounded by stands, the only one in the whole country that can seat 2,500 spectators. “We are probably the only hockey team in Europe that has a tunnel into the field,” it sounded at the opening. In addition, there are six brand new outdoor tennis courts and five indoor tennis courts. The three new Padel fields ensure that we can eliminate queues, although now we are at maximum capacity again.” On site you will also find 100 bicycle parking spaces, 62 private parking spaces, a Gantoise store and six meeting rooms.

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