Open Source Result for European Economy

Open Source Result for European Economy

According to the researchers, this effect can be better exploited. Another 10% increase in contributions to open source projects could potentially increase 0.4% to 0.6% of GDP. Moreover, these investments can lead to up to 600 new startups.

Need more structure

The researchers point out that there are still a number of things that need to be done in order to achieve this, apart from the investments themselves. For example, they recommend the creation of an EU-supported network of open source software offices, among other things, to stimulate the consumption, creation and application of open source technologies. This software desk provides formality and organization in open source software. Researchers say it has been crucial to the success of open source adoption at companies like Google and start-ups.

The European Commission should also develop a clearer open source policy and make it part of existing European policy frameworks.

In the past year, it has become clear that implementing open source software helps reduce dependence on companies (vendor insurance). Thus European organizations can have more control over their technology and data set.

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