One in three British pubs is closed too often to save expensive energy |  Economie

One in three British pubs is closed too often to save expensive energy | Economie

More than a third of British pubs are open less time in order to save on energy costs. Some bars are closed for a few extra hours, while others are closed for a few days. This was reported by the British statistics agency ONS on Monday.

Just like in the Netherlands, many businesses in the UK have to deal with high energy bills. So, recently 6 percent of pubs are closed two more days a week. Another 7 percent are closed one day a week, while 21 percent decide to stay closed for a few hours longer.

In total, 34 percent of pubs decided to be open for a shorter time. They also do this because they find that many of their customers need to monitor their spending. Inflation plays an important role in this. Pubs are also seriously understaffed.

Pub owners expect to keep their pubs closed less frequently this month. This is partly due to the approaching holidays. This is often a time to visit an extra pub in the UK.

Another factor is that later this month the World Cup kicks off, for which England and Wales have qualified. This sport is very popular in the country.

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