On display now!  Cara Walker on de Bond – now on display

On display now! Cara Walker on de Bond – now on display

The De Bond Museum provides insight into the personal archives of the famous African-American artist Cara Walker, who used his drawings and videos to condemn the oppression of black women in the United States. Will be on display until July 24!

Kara Walker

American artist Cara Walker (1969) became known around the world in the 1990s for her panoramas and animated photographs, cut-out figures, the atrocities of slavery, and the relationship between black and white and gender inequality. The childishness of shadow play makes it tolerable to see those in conflict, but also extra perverse.

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Source: Kunstmuseum Basel, Kupferstistkkabinett

Kara Walker, The Wrong Side, 2018
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Private archive

What is special about the exhibition at De Ponte is that for the first time paintings from Walker’s personal collection are on display. Less than 650 drawings and paintings fill the walls of the old wool factory. This, in turn, gives a closer look at the artist’s mind, which he had kept in his archive for thirty years, which is very painful.

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Source: Charlotte and Herbert S. Wagner III Collection

Kara Walker, Untitled, 1997-1999
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Unlike Walker’s popular elegant black and white works, the private archive shows many styles. From reality to cartoonish. Sometimes quick sketches, like diary pieces. It explores the thoughts and processes behind the artist’s work.

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Bart Rutten in the work of Cara Walker
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On display now!

Their director is Bart Rutten! Raw faced this dark history at the Central Museum, in which the Netherlands also played a key role. What impact does Walker’s work have on him? Watch the chapter through the link below.

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Check it out now! Kara Walker again

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