NOS Sport editor-in-chief resigns: Reports of bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination |  NOS Sport offenses

NOS Sport editor-in-chief resigns: Reports of bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination | NOS Sport offenses

There will be an additional follow-up investigation into dozens of reports of abusive behavior on NOS sports editors. The editor-in-chief of NOS Sport will also step down in due course. Today radio broadcaster Gerard Timmer announced it to the staff. I apologize for the unsafe work environment.

Hanneke van Houwelingen and Dennis Jansen

Last updated:
09-03-23, 15:39

An inventory of the past few months revealed reports of bullying, (sexual) intimidation, discrimination, verbal assault, and integrity issues over a period of more than twenty years. An independent external complaints committee will investigate these reports for facts if reporters wish to do so.

NOS management has also engaged an outside consulting firm to bring about a cultural change, with the aim of a safer and more social work environment. The organizational structure of NOS Sport is also examined. In consultation with management, the current four-person editor-in-chief will step down in phases. NOS Sport Editor-in-Chief Martin Nutter says about it: Once it becomes clear how best to make the transition, the new leadership is also part of it and we as Editor-in-Chief make room for that. Not immediately, because the continuity of sports coverage must be guaranteed. In the long run, we’ll discuss that.”


The External Confidential Counsel’s report released today also indicates that reporters believe that management at NOS Sport has not done enough with signals of infringing behaviour.

“These experiences affect us. They are examples of morality that do not fit with who we want to be and what NOS stands for. These are experiences we want to acknowledge and apologize for,” says NOS Director General Gerard Timmer. “These experiences teach us that we have to do better in the future. It is important for everyone to be themselves and feel safe with NOS.” Career guidance is offered to employees who need it. , That is, to learn from the things that did not go well in the past, and to be able to do the right thing in the future. Because let’s be clear about one thing: We are determined not to let this happen again,” Timmer says.

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Let’s be clear: we are determined not to let this happen again

Gerard Timmer, Director of Broadcasting

NOS launched an investigation into trespassing behavior within its ranks in December. According to informed sources, the broadcaster has received “dozens of reports” of alleged abuse against the sports editors-in-chief. An outside consultant has done a confidential inventory of these reports in recent months. The investigation began after the editor-in-chief called on all staff to report inappropriate behaviour. Violations were the cause The world goes onA month ago.

Several employees responded to that call and shared the experience of aggressive behaviour. NOS has not made any statements about the content in recent months. The broadcaster stated that it was about “experiences from the past, but also from more recent times.” The investigation was supposed to end in February, but the confidential advisor needed more time. No comment was made during the inventory.

This week it was announced that RTL is also conducting research on a safe working environment within the editorial staff at RTL Nieuws. Staff gave signals during RTL’s annual comprehensive survey. These signals came directly to the editor-in-chief. What exactly, the channel does not want to say. However, the spokesperson stresses that editors-in-chief take the signals seriously: “The sooner we get to work on this, the better.” It is not yet known when the inventory will be completed.

To combat abusive (sexual) behavior in the media world, the Dutch public broadcaster, RTL, Talpa Network, NEP, EMG and the Dutch Content Producers Association (NCP) have signed a charter, the respected collaboration Mediapact.

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