Nine hundred thousand euros for Hertz to maintain training |  Zeeland News

Nine hundred thousand euros for Hertz to maintain training | Zeeland News

HZ is one of five institutions of higher professional education to receive additional funding from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. It is about 900 thousand euros.

The House of Representatives has made available a total of 90 million euros for the period 2022-2025 to prevent some crucial programs from disappearing in regions with low student numbers. The minister recently allocated the first 15 million of this amount as an advance.

Hans University of Applied Sciences Groningen and Saxony University of Applied Sciences (Apeldoorn, Deventer and Enschede) get the bulk of the pot with 5.5 and 5.1 million respectively. Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (Heerlen, Maastricht and Stard) will receive €2.6 million and Van Hall-Larenstein University of Applied Sciences (Leowarden and Flip) will receive more than €840,000.

They are not final amounts. Next spring, the ministry will decide how to distribute the remaining 75 million. Other universities of applied sciences, apart from the five universities currently receiving applications, can also apply for this.

By the way, this is a temporary measure. In collaboration with the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences, the ministry is studying whether funding for higher education can be improved in the long term. The goal of $90 million is to bridge the period until a new regulation is drawn up.

The number of students determines how much money the educational institution receives. This is not appropriate in areas where the youth population is shrinking. The new funding method should ensure that critical training courses are maintained in the region. The money being paid out now will also be used as a bridge in part to research more efficient design for education.

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