News Corp. owned by media mogul Murdoch makes a deal with Google

News Corp. owned by media mogul Murdoch makes a deal with Google

News Corp has entered into a global agreement with Google regarding the rights to news sites’ content. The companies will, among other things, develop a subscription platform, share advertising income, and develop audio and video journalism via the YouTube video platform. According to media mogul Rupert Murdoch, who controls News Corp, this is one of the biggest deals ever with a so-called “big tech” company.

The deal comes after years of battle between Murdoch and Google. This was recently in Australia, where Google threatened to shut down its search engine to avoid “unenforceable” content laws. The deal can be seen as the culmination of the 89-year-old media mogul, his son Lachlan, and News Corp CEO Robert Thompson on compensation for so-called “premium content” from the platforms.

Murdoch previously secured payments from Apple and Facebook for Apple News and Facebook News products. Financial details of the deal with Google have not been reported.

Previously, Google agreed to pay $ 76 million over three years to a group of 121 French news outlets to end a copyright dispute of more than a year. In Australia, two major TV channels are said to have signed similar deals with Google worth $ 47 million annually. Google also reached an agreement earlier with the major publishers in the United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil and Argentina.

The Australian deals come days before the government enacts new laws. These allow an independent party to set a fee for the content if Google fails to negotiate a deal on its own. The impending tightening could have played a role in turning away from negotiations that stalled a year ago.

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In January, Reuters news agency signed an agreement with Google to become the Google News Showcase’s first global news provider.

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