Nearly 2,400 Omikron cases identified worldwide –

Nearly 2,400 Omikron cases identified worldwide –

SOLNA (AP) – The number of infections with the Omikron variant of the coronavirus continues to rise. About 600 new cases appeared in the past day. In total, 2,382 people have so far been diagnosed with the virus version. On Thursday, the counter stood at 1,780, the European Health Service ECDC reports.

All people found to have the virus have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. As far as is known, no one has yet died from the Omikron variant. The actual number of infections may be much higher because not everyone has been tested and not all test samples have been tested.

The variant has now appeared in 62 countries and territories, five more than it did on Thursday. The new entrants to the list are Bermuda, Jordan, Lebanon, Malawi and Sierra Leone.

United kingdom

The UK has the most confirmed cases, with 817, nearly 250 more than on Wednesday. The number of cases in South Africa has risen by more than a hundred to 499.

According to the ECDC, the Omikron variant was found in 582 residents of the European Union and the European Economic Area. Denmark is at the forefront of countries that have recorded 154 confirmed cases, followed by Norway (109), France (59) and Portugal (37). According to the ECDC list, the Netherlands has 36 confirmed cases, but the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment announced earlier on Friday that 80 Omikron infections have already been identified.

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