Mother Anne from HMMIK no longer sees any point in living because of a work-related home: “They'd better give me an injection” |  RTL Street

Mother Anne from HMMIK no longer sees any point in living because of a work-related home: “They'd better give me an injection” | RTL Street

In the latest episode of “Help, My Husband is a Skilled Worker!” Angelique seeks help from John Williams (54) and his team. Her brother had been renovating their 87-year-old mother's house for years, but the job turned into a major tragedy. So mother Anne temporarily lives at home with her son, which causes a lot of frustration.

“My father will be turning in his grave”

Angelique lives in Curacao and is very worried about her mother, Anne, who lives in Utrecht. Years ago, Angelique's brother, Jean-Paul, promised Anne's house would be “house-proof.”' While Anne recovers from delirium. But when Anne finishes her rehabilitation, she can't go home. On the contrary: Jean-Paul made the house unlivable by demolishing everything. When John Williams asked Anne how she felt about this, he was shocked by her response. “They better give me an injection,” Anne said.

“You didn't even ask your mother for permission,” Angelique says angrily to her brother. The situation is so dire that Anne is forced to live with her son. She sits there on the couch all day because she can't walk down the stairs independently and has to share her bedroom with her son. Angelique is done with it, but Jean-Paul clearly thinks differently. “There are worse things for some people,” he sighs.

When Jean confronts Jean-Paul, he immediately becomes defensive. He describes his sister's concerns as “nonsense” and does not understand the seriousness of the situation at all. However, due to the demolition of the toilet and sewerage, the waves washed condoms and feces from the upstairs neighbors onto the site of Anne's former toilet.

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It is very frustrating for Angelique because her brother does not want to fulfill their mother's greatest desire, which is to grow up in her home. “My father will be turning in his grave,” Angelique said. Fortunately, John was able to convince Jean-Paul to accept the help of the skilled team. The team is speechless when they see the house.

The renovation is not smooth. Although Angelique reports every morning, Jean-Paul is often late, and at some point doesn't come anymore. When John called him, Jean-Paul indicated that he was ill. It was soon decided that the job would continue without him and he was no longer allowed to interfere. Our skilled team works hard and manages to achieve a great result now.

When Jean-Paul sees the end result, he is happy for his mother, but says that he himself “did it completely differently.” “I have very different tastes,” he says. However, he praises the staff. And Mother Anne pushes him back to the facts: “You couldn't have had it that way.”

John arrives a few weeks after the shooting Help my husband is a handyman! Back to see if Anne is now living in her renovated house. To his shock and “slight annoyance,” this was not the case. Due to numerous leaks, Anne still does not live in her home. Fortunately, handyman Rod knows what to do and fixes the leaks, so Anne can finally move into the house.

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