Moles of Lavezzi Rutje’s Favorite Youth Program at Zapp Awards |  Currently

Moles of Lavezzi Rutje’s Favorite Youth Program at Zapp Awards | Currently

Mole areas Voted Youth’s Favorite Program during the 2021 NPO Zapp Awards Live Show. Lavezzi Rutjes won two Zapp Awards. Also Matthias AriesAnd the Roadtrippers at The Mystery Singer He won prizes at the ceremony.

In recent days, kids can vote for their favorite actors, programs, stars and artists. During the award show, children can still vote for their favorite youth program. NOS Youth NewsPresenter Laura Hogendorn announced this Mole areas He won that award. Youth News He won the award last year. The other candidates were this year Bridge class at All the children of the Netherlands pact.

Other winners besides Lavese Rogis (Favorite Star) are Matthias Hit Lam (Internet Favorite Star), Roadtrippers (Favorite series on the Internet) and The Mystery Singer (Favorite family show). the song Across the wind Miss Montreal won the Favorite Track Award and Incompetent 3 finals Won in the Young People’s Favorite Film category.

Claes Van Krostom and Brett Decker presented this year’s awards show, which was held without an audience. Candidates and kids watch live broadcast via zoom connection. NPO Zapp Awards have been held annually since 2018. Children determine who the awards are given to.

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