Microsoft released Australia and Fokker F. VII DLC Update for Flight Simulator – Games – News

Microsoft has released the seventh global update for Flight Simulator. The update takes a closer look at Australia and makes sure that this continent is represented in more detail. Microsoft is also releasing Fokker F. VII as a paid expansion.

After the implementation of the modernization of Australia, the Great Barrier Reef can be seen in more detail, among other things. in trailer Microsoft appears The various areas examined and in the change allow the development team see list With improved locations and airports. There is a total of 94 points of interest That has been modified for a detailed view. Moreover, the update adds sixteen activities, including jungle treks and landing exercises.

Four airfields have been “handcrafted” recreated by Orbx Simualtion Systems in Australia. Details of a hundred other airports have been added in higher resolution, but they are not entirely built by hand. The global update is free for Flight Simulator owners.

Fokker F. VII-dlc

In conjunction with the new global update, Microsoft is launching a new plane in the Local Legends series. This is about The Fokker F. VII in different versions. This aircraft dates back to the period from 1920 to 1930 and was built by Dutchman Fokker. The paid expansion has five versions of the aircraft, including the KLM variant. There are also expansion missions associated with aircraft. The package costs $15.

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