Michael Visser Director of Administration, Finance and Regions at BZK |  news item

Michael Visser Director of Administration, Finance and Regions at BZK | news item

Dr. MG (Michel) Visser is currently Domain Director in the Province of South Holland. Prior to that, he was the Director of Spatial Planning, Housing and Soils and Executive Director in the same province. He worked in Gouda Municipality for seven years as Community Development Director and Head of Department.

The Directorate of Administration, Finance and Regions (BFR) works on intergovernmental cooperation at national and local levels. In addition, the Directorate works on subjects such as cross-border areas, inter-administrative supervision and co-financing of peer governments. In these subjects, the management is always looking for more intensive and new connections with its partners.

Michel Visser: “After many years in the municipality and the province, I want to continue to develop a public administration in the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations that can respond to many current social and regional challenges. I look forward to giving substance to this along with 100 colleagues from the BFR administration and many others inside and outside the Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations.

Arne Van Hout, Director General of Public Administration and Democratic Law: “Michael is a leader who combines solid experience in the public sector with experience in the financial sector. We think we have found an excellent colleague in Michael, who will be able to further enhance collaboration with fellow officers and help with the complex and key tasks facing BFR management.

Michael studied legal and political science at Leiden University. He studied International Relations at Montana State University, USA.

This appointment to the post of ABD has come through the general procedure for posts in the General Administrative Service. Recruitment and selection for this appointment was done by Directorate General of Public Administration Service and Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations. As usual, the vacancy was widely advertised so that everyone could apply.

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