Medical miracle: conjoined twins separated by rare surgery  Abroad

Medical miracle: conjoined twins separated by rare surgery Abroad

They lived for a year in a row, without being able to see each other. But now two Siamese twin sisters from Israel have been able to see each other in the eye for the first time after undergoing successful surgery on their fused backs.

It was an exceptional and complex procedure, performed only twenty times all over the world. The operation took place at the Soroka Medical Center in Israel and took more than 12 hours. The procedure was prepared months ago, and, according to the hospital, dozens of experts took part in it. “This was a rare and complex operation that was performed for the first time in Israel,” said Miki Gideon, a pediatric neurosurgeon and team leader who performed the operation.


A photo posted on Sunday shows the girls finally looking at each other, their heads still covered in bandages. Their names have not been revealed. They recover quickly,” said Eldad Silberstein, MD, chief of plastic surgery at Soroka Medical Center. “They breathe and eat on their own.”

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