Writer Marieken Hetman has with her book moon worm He won the 2022 Libris Literature Prize. The jury chair, Ahmed Abu Taleb, announced it in news hour†
The jury praised Heitman for her “great intelligence, literary mastery, and courage in not choosing the traditional narrative”.
the book moon worm It revolves around the main character Elke. There are two main themes that Hetmans manage to communicate with each other. It is about the initiation and development of agriculture, plus the book is about identity, in particular sexual identity.
The main character is engaged in raising crops. She likens this process to the socialization of people. In the book you want to get back an old pea in order to undo the “improvement”. She wants to get rid of the “perfect peas” that must comply with the rules of society.
See awards ceremony photos and winner Marieken Hetman’s speech here:
Libres Show
moon worm It is only the second novel by Hetman, a biologist by birth. Heitman’s knowledge in the book can also be read through the main character Elke, who enriches the seed. The reader learns about seeds, crops, and soil, among other things.
Not easy to read, according to the jury: “As a reader, you are not delighted but challenged to break your mind: the novel is philosophical, without being of undue weight.”
Straight from Felix Meritis in Amsterdam, where the new winner took the prize, Hetmann in the first reaction said he was very happy. “Recognition of this award makes me so happy. I am so honoured. Unbelievable!” As the winner, Heitman will receive €50,000 and a bronze medal designed by Irma Boom.