Mandy Molinares Director of Legislative and Legal Affairs at OCW |  News article

Mandy Molinares Director of Legislative and Legal Affairs at OCW | News article

Mandy Molinaars

The Legislation and Legal Affairs Department (WJZ) consists of knowledgeable and enthusiastic legal experts and administrative staff. They advise Ministers and OCW Policy Departments on legal and administrative matters and are responsible for sustainable and legally effective legislation, solutions and products that contribute to good policy that works for people in education, culture and science.

Strengthening the relationship between input, legal expertise and OCW policy and stimulating the professional development of people in the department requires special attention from the new Director of WJZ. This requires a broad vision and the ability to consider issues in the context of the field of out-of-court debt settlements and broader social tasks without losing sight of legal boundaries.

Marjan Hammersma, General Secretary of OCW: “Mandy is a very skilled lawyer who is always focused on cooperating with policy departments and social parties while at the same time not losing sight of the specific role of legal counsel. With Mandy, we get an energetic, open and collaborative director of WJZ at OCW who stands up for her employees.” . I am very happy with that

Mandy Molinaars: ‘I am very pleased to be able to continue working with this fantastic department as Director of WJZ. In collaboration with expert and committed colleagues within the department and in relation to colleagues from policy and implementation, I want to ensure high-quality legislation and legal advice in the policy areas of out-of-court debt settlements.’

Mandy studied law at Utrecht University. She has been working in OCW for several years. She currently holds the position of Director of the Legislation and Legal Affairs Department. She previously served as Head of the Department of Higher Education, Career Education and Student Finance. Before joining OCW, Mandy worked as Coordinating Legal Adviser at the Rijkswaterstaat and as a Senior Legislative Lawyer in the Ministries of Infrastructure, Environment, Housing, Spatial Planning and Environmental Management.

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This appointment to the position of ABD was made through the general procedure for positions within the Public Administrative Service. Recruitment and selection for this appointment were conducted by the DGABD and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. As usual, the vacancy has been widely advertised so everyone can apply.

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