Lubach records with rapping: “Don’t go to Nieuwsuur, it will cost you ten seats” |  Turns out

Lubach records with rapping: “Don’t go to Nieuwsuur, it will cost you ten seats” | Turns out

Arjen Lubach and Sosha Duysker recorded with rapping on Hot Political Interviews from Newsur With the party leaders in recent weeks. the song, Don’t go to Newsur, Which premiered last night in Sunday with Laubach It was listened to and viewed online several hundreds of thousands of times on Monday morning.

Marlis Van Leeuwen

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In the song – tune in to Jay-Z and Alicia Keys The spirit and mindset of the empire Laubach harshly criticizes party leaders Fred Azerkan and Geert Wilders, who both canceled at the last minute the interrogations of Marielle Tuybek, Jeroen and Wallers. The rival party leaders were “slaughtered without anesthesia” and “they already realized it.”
Laubach mentions in the rap all the pain points that the party leaders in Dink and PVV do not want to talk about, such as the “ long arm of Erdogan ” or the sexual misconduct charges leveled against MP Dion Graus of the PVV party (through their own security).

Do not go to Nieuwsuur / Arguments, Figures, Facts / Justified Accusations

Don’t go to Nieuwsuur / Mariëlle Tweebeeke No, it will cost you ten seats / Don’t go to Nieuwsuur

Lubach and Duysker help party leaders with excuses – ‘Let’s assume you drove your car by accident or just died’ – and suggests they go to Twan Huys or Giovanca Ostiana (In 1He could be subject to less intense interrogation.

The rap song was already viewed more than 200,000 times via the program’s Twitter account on Monday morning. The clip has already been viewed more than 85,000 times on YouTube. In the program itself, more than 1.7 million viewers watched the honor News Hour. Sunday with Laubach, Which was in its final season, was thus third of the most watched programs, right below Sport Studio And the news from 8 pm.

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Arjen Lubach and Nieuwsuur rap.

Arjen Lubach and Nieuwsuur rap. © VPRO / Sunday with Lubach

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