Leakey Weavers still in the all-around final, Simon Biles withdraws due to mental issues |  the Olympics

Leakey Weavers still in the all-around final, Simon Biles withdraws due to mental issues | the Olympics

VideoSimone Biles (24) You won’t be competing around Tokyo tomorrow either. After the American gymnastics legend withdrew from yesterday’s team final at the Olympics due to mental issues, the American Gymnastics Association confirmed today that Biles will miss tomorrow’s all-around singles final.

Math Editor

Last updated:
07-28-21, 16:29

Besides the Bills, Canadian gymnast Elizabeth Black has also dropped out. She is infected. As a result, Lieke Wevers could still appear in a singles all-around final tomorrow. She was the second reserve on the list and now joins the top 24 gymnasts allowed to participate in the final fight. The final match starts tomorrow at 12.50 pm.

Dear Weavers
Dear Weavers © ANP

Without their greatest, the Americans had to leave the gold medal at the Nations Cup to Russia. Biles won four gold medals in the previous games in Rio de Janeiro, including the all-around games. She had set herself the goal of winning six titles in Tokyo.

After qualifying, Bills already announced that he was under pressure. “I really feel like the weight of the whole world is on my shoulder now. I wipe it off and pretend it doesn’t affect me, but damn, sometimes it’s hard. The Olympics are no joke.”

Simon Biles.
Simon Biles. © AFP

Yesterday, Biles went into details about her mental health after withdrawing from the team finals. “These games are so stressful. It’s been a long week anyway, a long process, a long year. I think we’re all on tiptoe. We should be there to have fun, which isn’t the case. The warm-up went well, but then I was shivering and shivering. When I came out, I already felt: No, the mental part is not so good. That’s why I had to leave it up to the other girls. It was better to back off.”

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There was universal acclaim for the decision and candor of Biles, who also came with an important message. “We have to protect the body and the mind, because in the end mental health is more important than sports.”

According to the USA Gymnastics Association, it is being examined whether Biles will be able to compete in the organ finals in Tokyo next week. “We support Simone’s decision and applaud her courage to put her well-being first. Her courage once again shows why she is a role model for so many,” said USA Gymnastics.

Bales’ place in the overall final was replaced by compatriot Jade Carey, who scored the ninth in the playoffs. Since a maximum of gymnasts in each country could participate in the final, Curry lost weight. Lake Waves is the first reserve for the final with 24 players, and Ethora Thorsdottir is second.

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