King Charles warns in his speech of a “bitter” society.

King Charles warns in his speech of a “bitter” society.

During the speech, the king warned that the “natural tendency” to work together as a population was at risk due to too much “screaming” in the digital sphere. According to the king, civilized discussions often turn negative and resentful. “The temptation to turn ourselves into a screaming or blaming society must be resisted, or at least greatly mitigated where possible, especially in the digital sphere,” he said.

According to the king, people often use the phrase “I know my rights” to justify situations in which others are not taken into account. He stresses that this does not mean that “we forget our responsibilities towards each other.”

Charles also says people owe it to each other to listen to others’ viewpoints and be “passionate, but non-combatative.” He also hopes people will stop looking for “scapegoats.”

“There is a breathing space we allow each other, allowing us to think and speak freely. This reflects well the civility and respect we owe each other; our willingness to put others first and treat them as we would want to be treated.” He also points out the importance of understanding, both at home and abroad. “Especially in times of international turmoil and massive loss of life.”

This was his first official visit to London as king. According to the British newspaper daily Mail He made it clear in his speech that he would use his time as head of state to bring equality and stability to the country.

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