Karina slams me down: “The Island of Seduction has driven me crazy”

According to her, the call to Daryl mainly happened when she was drunk, and she definitely wasn’t scratching in front of his jeans all evening. In the video, a file Island of SeductionStar to highlight her side of the story as much as possible. “I was really angry there,” she admits.

You’d think the nominees had watched previous seasons and read the stories, but Kareena didn’t seem to have a clue what to expect. “Instead of showing me that Greg (her boyfriend, editor) is crying …” she refers to the disturbing images that I have already seen, such as the approach of her boyfriend to other women.

Sometimes Kareena seems to feel used to entertaining. After two hours of sleep, she says, she was placed in front of the camera to record quotations. “I don’t feel like it at all.” Lack of sleep and an unhealthy lifestyle also caused another problem: She was so tired that her voice changed. I got a lot of responses: “You are talking very slowly.”

How things are going now between Gregory and Karina, that’s how Greg tells himself in the episode below Love Therapy.

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