Johan Derksen and Raymond Mensz in conversation about the new project: America Together |  program

Johan Derksen and Raymond Mensz in conversation about the new project: America Together | program

Johan Derksen (74) can create an itinerary for SBS 6. ‘De Snore’ was asked by the Talpa administration to create a series towards the US elections in collaboration with Raymond Menz. “We have a plan to go to Mississippi together. Along the way I will talk about music, blues, country, bluegrass. Raymond will talk about politics in that region,” confirms Derksen.

A political commentator and American pundit, Mance is a regular guest Inside todaySBS 6’s daily commentary show. For the new project, talks are underway with producer Jasper van der Schalie, former founder of Stepping Stone and last year’s deputy director at Omroep MAX.

,, I think it’s a great idea, know America well and Raymond is a great guy who knows his stuff and with whom I can work well. But there is still a loophole to be found in the planning,” Derksen told the site. “It is with us Inside today Broadcast every day. Temporarily having a replacement join me is not an option. I’m going Inside today Don’t leave it for a snack. I need some time to do this. They can now be found on Talba when they are available on the agenda. We are free at Christmas and New Years. Maybe there’s an opportunity there.”

Raymond Mens likes it. ,,Jasper van der Schaly approached me a while ago with a request to do this. It has been a dream of mine for a long time to show the real America and make a series about America. So not New York or Los Angeles, but actually deep within America. Soon the idea arose to embark on a musical journey. Down the Mississippi, you’re dealing with Americans because there’s a lot of musical history there, so there’s no need to mention the word politics. But when we talk about water rights, abortion or religion in the Netherlands, you can put it better because you really talked to those people. I asked Johan about it, and quickly said: We want to do this.

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Raymond Mann
Raymond Mann © Personal Photo

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