JenaXL Achieves 100% Success Rate – Focus on RTV

JenaXL Achieves 100% Success Rate – Focus on RTV

Zwolle – With an impressive 100% pass rate among exam students, JenaXL in Zwolle has proven once again this year that its unique approach to education pays off. According to team leaders Regina Siepelenk and Reynald Bosman and exam secretary Jenneke Werkmann, the Jenaplan approach ensures that students feel valued and appreciated, which leads to excellent performance. This year, all 70 students received their certificates at various levels, including the VMBO, TL, HAVO and VWO frameworks.

However, success rates are not the main goal of JenaXL. “Our focus is on preparing students to be successful in life, not just in their exams,” says Regina Siepelenk. Jenaplan’s educational concept, which is based largely on a personal approach, independence and self-insight, begins in the lower grades. Students are often given regular group sessions and are divided into mixed groups, allowing older students to mentor younger ones. “Based on mutual trust, our students build a very solid foundation for the future in a safe environment,” adds Reynald Bosman. “This approach fosters a close-knit school community where everyone knows and supports each other well.”

Despite the unbeatable success rate, JenaXL remains ambitious and the school is constantly looking for ways to improve its education. Future plans include better responding to current issues and promoting independence and personal development for their students.

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