Save the Date: UNESCO Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Open Science

Save the Date: UNESCO Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Open Science

Save the Date: UNESCO Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Open Science

Many scientists believe that scientific research is being advanced by new applications of artificial intelligence. For example, AI makes it possible to analyze large data sets quickly. But what if we want to make science more open? Can artificial intelligence help us achieve this?

In the afternoon of Monday, September 23The Dutch Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Chair for Diversity and Inclusion in Global Science (Leiden University) are hosting a workshop on AI and Open Science. The afternoon discussion will focus on engaging societal actors. How can AI applications help engage a wider public in research? Can AI play a role in launching citizen science projects or in promoting volunteer science?

We invite researchers and other stakeholders to actively engage with these questions during the workshop, and share ideas on how AI can positively contribute to making scientific research more inclusive.

What: Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Open Science
when: Monday, September 23, Afternoon
where: Leiden University
from: Researchers and other stakeholders who actively engage community actors in their research.

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