It is prohibited to grill sheep heads in Tangier during Eid al-Adha

It is prohibited to grill sheep heads in Tangier during Eid al-Adha

June 16, 2024 – 12:10 – Morocco


The city of Tangier prohibits grilling sheep heads in the streets during Eid al-Adha. The municipality’s decision comes out of concern for public safety, cleanliness, hygiene and traffic flow.

Authorities say that the increase in grilling sheep heads in the streets during Eid al-Adha leads to unpleasant odors, waste pollution, and disruption of traffic. To address these problems, it was decided to ban this activity in public places.

Read also: Eid al-Adha: Moroccans spend a third of their annual income on sheep

Instead, special areas will be created during Eid al-Adha where people can legally roast their sheep’s heads. These areas will be selected by a local committee and will be provided with all necessary facilities such as water, waste bins and barbecue facilities.

Read also: Eid al-Adha: Beware of green meat!

The Municipality of Tangier calls on residents to cooperate and make Eid al-Adha a clean and festive occasion. The authorities stress the importance of respecting the rules and using areas designated for grilling sheep heads.

This year, Eid al-Adha takes place on June 17 in Morocco.

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