Hoogezand takes a dive into the future during this science weekend.  Robots, taxi drone and smart safety vest are on display for police officers

Hoogezand takes a dive into the future during this science weekend. Robots, taxi drone and smart safety vest are on display for police officers

On Saturday, there’s plenty to do in Hoogezand on the topic of 5G. Photo: Economic Council Groningen

During Science Weekend (2 and 3 October) in Hoogezand there will be all kinds of activities on the topic of 5G, the latest generation of mobile communication. On Saturday, visitors can dive into the future using robots, self-driving transportation, drones, and other smart devices.

During the public day “Make Business for 5G” the capabilities and opportunities of 5G will be shown, making the mobile Internet much faster, for example. The event is part of National Science Weekend. The public day in Hoogezand is organized by 5Groningen, an initiative of the Groningen Economic Council, in collaboration with partners.

Entrepreneurs and organizations from the region are demonstrating their applications with 5G, and there are presentations and workshops for young and old. For example, demonstrations of applications in agriculture, healthcare, traffic and everyday life are given. In addition, visitors can wear virtual reality glasses, sit in a self-driving bus, enjoy a drone taxi, and demonstrate the smart safety vest to police officers.

Robot programming

The public day will take place from 1 pm to 5 pm in and around Het Kielzog (Gorecht East 157) in Hoogezand. Everyone is welcome and entry is free. Children are also very welcome in the activities: they can, among other things, program a robot or make something beautiful in 3D.

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