Honorary doctorate awarded to Professor of Science Communication at Leiden Ionica Smits
Professor Ionica Smits (Photo: Leiden University)
Professor of Science Communication Ionica Smits receives an honorary doctorate from the Open University. Smeets helped make science accessible to more people and bridged the gap between experts and the general public. By awarding an honorary doctorate, the Open University would like to show its appreciation for this commitment.
In recent years, Smits has attracted a wide audience with her books, lectures, columns, television programs, and research. “Making science accessible is fully in line with the core values of the Open University,” says University President Magnificus Theo Bassianz. “Conducting scientific research that has an impact on society is very important. Good science communication ensures that society also knows what change, added value or knowledge this research brings us.
In addition to being Professor of Science Communication, Ionica Smits is also Head of the Department of Science Communication and Society at Leiden University. In addition, she is working alongside Alex Verkadi, on behalf of outgoing Minister of Education, Culture and Science Robert Dijkgraaf, to manage the new National Center for Science and Society (NEWS), which should enhance the potential and impact of science communication.
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