Helmet relieves depression · Health and science

Helmet relieves depression · Health and science

Where does this news come from?

This message was published not only by the newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws (1), but also by various other media outlets. A helmet that will work against depression, promoted by neuroscientist Stephen Loris. The helmet is used in Antwerp’s network of private clinics not only to treat depression, but also to treat obsessive-compulsive disorders and even dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease.

How does a helmet work?

The helmet is transported Magnetic waves from Disorders in certain parts of the brain That would bring balance.

  • In the United States, this helmet is approved to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and nicotine addiction.
  • Now the “BrainWays Deep TMS” device has also been introduced in Belgium by Brain-NM (2), a network of private clinics that use all kinds of equipment to treat brain disorders.
    • The founder of this network is Edward Cheticati, whose son suffers from cerebral palsy. That’s why he does everything he can to improve his quality of life.
    • Schiettecatte believes this strongly NeuromodulationIf only he had Effect on the brain with waves. Many famous neurologists are associated with his private practices, including Loris.
    • The Brain-NM website provides a list of references on the effects of neuromodulation in several brain disorders.
What does the research say about this?

We found a recent review study (2023) on the effects of neuromodulation in major depression that does not improve with antidepressants (3). Neuromodulation already has it Slightly beneficial effect on major depression.


(1) https://www.hln.be/binnenland/topdokter-steven-laureys-verhelpt-depressies-met-slimme-helm-werkt-ook-tegen-stress-alzheimer-en-nicotineverslaving~a06e89ac/

How should you interpret this news?

He. She General study (meta-analysis) It collected 19 studies in which depressed people who did not feel better with antidepressants were treated with neuromodulation or a placebo.

  • The placebo group also received electrodes on the head, but they did not emit any waves. Therefore, participants did not know whether they were receiving real treatment or not.
  • Both groups felt better afterward, however Improved during real treatment 40%. With the placebo treatment this percentage was only 10%.
  • Follower People treated for depression had become 36% They helped with neuromodulation, whereas they had not previously responded to antidepressants.
  • Treatment in this study included From 10 to 30 sessions.
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The study concludes that Neuromodulation really works for some people, but not for everyone (3). Besides, you have Not the disadvantages of antidepressants (such as difficulty stopping).

in Guidelines For depression, neuromodulation is sometimes recommended as an alternative treatment when antidepressants are ineffective (4).

Neuromodulation is Not new. It has been used for some time in many regular hospitals, and sometimes also to treat depression. It doesn’t always look like a helmet, sometimes electrodes are placed on the head. The treatment is currently non-refundable.


This helmet, which uses repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), is not a new technology. The packaging – the helmet – may be different, but it comes down to the same thing: the brain is stimulated by generating electromagnetic fields. Research shows that this treatment can have a beneficial effect in some people with depression who do not respond well to antidepressants. It has long been promoted as an alternative or additional treatment to antidepressants. This treatment requires several dozen sessions and is not compensated.

  • (2) https://brain-nm.com/
  • (3) Vida, R., Sagi, E., Bella, R. et al. Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) adjuvant treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD) after antidepressant treatment failure: a meta-analysis of pseudorandomized controlled trials. BMC Psychiatry 2023;23:545. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-023-05033-y
  • (4) Milev R, Giacobbi P, Kennedy SH, Blumberger DM et al. Depression Working Group. Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Therapies (CANMAT) clinical guidelines for the management of adults with major depressive disorder: Section. 4. Neurostimulation treatments. Can J Psychiatry. 2016;61(9):561-575.

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