Helen Hendriks puts an end to the succession of Wilfried Jenny, Johan Derksen and René van der Gijp on Today Inside

Helen Hendriks puts an end to the succession of Wilfried Jenny, Johan Derksen and René van der Gijp on Today Inside

rawAndne Hendriks has made an impression in recent years as a presenter, among other things. orange winter in orange summer She is regularly presented as an ideal successor to Wilfried Jeni, Johan Dirksen and Renée van der Gijp, but she herself feels no desire to take their place in Today inside“She’s such a sports fan that she can’t sit in the same place all year round,” Hendrix says on her Communicado podcast.

In the past year, Hendrix has appeared regularly as a guest on Today insideWhen Jenny, Derksen and van der Gijp recently enjoyed a few weeks of vacation, Hendrix introduced the show. orange summerShe did it again with gusto. And Hendrix doesn’t rule out that TV viewers will be seeing more of her in the future. Look, it’s pretty simple. We have the orange summer and winter. And yes, I wouldn’t rule out spring or fall for a week or two. It all depends on whether the VI guys might need a break or if something is going on., Quoted from Hendrix From MediaCorant.

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Hendrix wouldn’t be surprised if Jenni, Derksen and van der Gijp decide they want to step away for a while. It might be possible, because they obviously work for very long weeks and months. But you have to really see it: if they’re not there, I’m going to take over. Hendrix also notes that she signed a contract with him earlier this year. Zigo SportsAs of the new season, all European football matches – Champions League, Europa League and Conference League – can be watched exclusively on Zigo The cable operator has chosen Hendrix as one of the new faces.

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Genie, Dirksen and van der Gijp, whose contracts expire next year. Shoeso following up is not an option for Hendrix. No why me?She responded firmly to host Victor Flam’s question as to whether she wanted to. John de Mol already knew that. Yes, of course he does. And that might be big news for you, but not for me. No, because what I just said: I signed a three-year contract with Ziggo and that’s a really big part of football. That’s Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and that actually means I won’t be there for those three days. Hendrix’s “heart still lies in sports reporting.” I would also like to participate in the Olympics and major championships. But of course you also depend on the rights. But I also think that’s great.

Flame doesn’t quite understand why Hendrix insists on a possible succession to the masters. Today inside. You get a lot of praise and appreciation from almost everyone in the community for the shows you do and the talk shows you do. And yet you say, I would actually rather do something that is maybe a little more specialized. According to Hendrix, it’s a little different. My heart has always been in sports and I really enjoy being able to do that combination now. It also makes it really hard. I would really hate it if I didn’t do sports anymore.This is what it looks like.

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