Heemskerker’s translation “Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road” has been published

Heemskerker’s translation “Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road” has been published

HEEMSKERK – Heemskerker Ronald van Dalfsen has been involved in Translation of Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road And it was released last November. The book was written by Neil Burt, who was also the drummer and lyricist for the Canadian band Rush.

Ronald Van Dalevsen has been busy with the Dutch translation of the book for a long time and therefore is very proud to have published the book translated. De Heemskerker read Neill’s original book for the first time in 2014, when he was unemployed. “During this period, you also have some time to go back to your senses, for example. One will get a little baffled, the other will get more exercise. I started reading a little more than I already did. I like Rush, and I’ve seen them live many times in Rotterdam.” Ahoy.At a merchandise booth, I bought Neil’s books, including ‘Ghost Rider,’ Ronald says.

He started reading Ghost Rider with a dictionary beside him and before he knew it, he had already translated 90 pages. “It’s definitely a hit from me,” says Ronald. “Soon the idea began to emerge to translate the rest of the book and to print two copies for family and friends.” He did, asking the original publisher about four years ago if he could copy the copies. when I finish. Soon he received an enthusiastic answer, after which Ronald searched for a publisher in the Netherlands. The translated book was published in November 2020.

“Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road” is one of 10 books written by the late Neil Burt. In 1997 and 1998 he lost his daughter and wife, after which he said farewell to Rush and rode his motorbike. He traveled across the North American continent for 14 months. Without a goal, he just wanted to leave. He had no idea if he would come back (alive). During these fourteen months he kept a diary and wrote letters to family and friends. This story was eventually converted into book form and became one of Neil’s most famous books.

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The Dutch translation of “Ghost Rider: On healingways” is now available in every bookstore in the Netherlands and Flanders and on the Internet.

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