Government must proactively intervene in unethical online behavior to protect citizens / Villamedia

Government must proactively intervene in unethical online behavior to protect citizens / Villamedia

Citizens are not adequately protected against harmful and unethical online behavior, such as online hate or information manipulation. This is evidenced by new research by the Rathenau Institute commissioned by WODC, which provides an overview of undesirable behavior online. According to the institute, there is a need for an active government that intervenes in the mechanisms that facilitate this type of behavior on the Internet.

The Rathenau Institute, which deals with issues at the interface of science, technology and society and who informs politics, politics and society on this matter, conducted the research on behalf of the Scientific Research and Documentation Center (WODC), the knowledge institute for the Department of Justice and Security.

In a study ‘derailed online’ The Institute provides an overview of 22 deviations from unwanted online behaviour. The Rathenau Institute divides the various forms of deviation from the path into six main categories. One such technique is online information manipulation, which includes conspiracy thinking, misinformation, sock puppetry, and sorcery.

According to the Rathenau Institute, to combat harmful and unethical behavior on the Internet, there is a need for a government to proactively intervene in the online environment, so that harm is prevented and the basic rights of citizens are protected.

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