“German scientists should have justified the lockdown and increased fear” |  abroad

“German scientists should have justified the lockdown and increased fear” | abroad

The German newspaper Welt am Sonntag has received official documents. It appears that in March 2020, at the beginning of the epidemic, the Ministry of Interior requested scientists to do so The worst case scenario To determine the spread of the Coronavirus. The Department of Conservative Minister Seehofer (CSU) has not yet responded.

He was worried about rushing aversion to lockdown. His foreign minister had to create support for this plan. Emails have been sent to various universities and scientific institutes to identify the most problematic situations. In this way, “repressive measures can be better planned.”

Drama screenplay

Some scientific institutes have proposed presenting the most dramatic scenarios for the potential mortality rate. This was twice the death rate used by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the RIVM counterpart. Merkel predicted that if the government did little to nothing, two-thirds of the population would be infected with Corona.

De Welt said four of the five patients who will end up in intensive care will be rejected by hospitals. This would lead to over a million deaths. A year ago, it was already said that the worst-case scenario should be clearly defined.

Independent science

The opposition Liberal Party FDP demands in the Parliamentary Committee all messages about the potential impact of independent scholars: “If the impression emerges that scientific results are ordered by politics to justify their actions, not only independent science will be harmed, but also the fact that MP Konstantin Kohli said” on the basis of the battle against the pandemic. ” .

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Leader of the Socialists believes the government has hurt in fighting the epidemic. ”“ Science should advise politicians and provide independent guidance and judgment in the crisis. ”This does not match the opinions previously required,” says Dietmar Barch of Lynx Party.

The Deputy Speaker of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Kubice, went further. He compared the long-term behavior of the Christian Democratic Union chairperson Merkel’s government to the behavior of authoritarian countries. Anyone who frightens the population for pushing them with political measures lays an ax in our democracy. Apparently, it is no longer a matter of explaining the formulation of citizens’ political decisions on the basis of facts, ”says Kubicki.

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