General States Senate – Senate agenda Tuesday, March 2, 2021
The next items will be on the Senate’s agenda on Tuesday, March 2.
The plenary session
09.00 – 12.30 first semester room (start)
1.30 – 1.45 PM Swearing-in by H. Karakus
13.45-14.50 Election of the First Vice President
2:50 PM – 2:55 PM Hammer cut
2.55 – 3:00 pm voting time
3.00 – 4.40pm First Session Hall (discussion on reducing nitrogen and improving nature continues)
From 5/10 to 7:30 p.m. the government responded
8:30 p.m. – midnight. Response, Response, Response
The plenary session can be followed up from 9 am via a live broadcast on the home page.
Committees (selection)
The Immigration and Asylum Commission / JHA Council (I & A / JHA) organizes an expert meeting on the European Charter for Migration and Asylum (Program and Documentation). The expert meeting can be followed up from 9:30 am via Live broadcast. -
The Interior Committee and the Supreme Councils of State / Public Affairs and the King’s House (BiZa / AZ) are discussing, among other things, the temporary rent reduction law. -
The Committees on Infrastructure, Water Management, Environment (IWO), Economic Affairs and Climate / Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (EZK / LNV) discuss the status of entry into force of the Environmental Law. -
Justice and Security Committees (J&V), for Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS), for the Interior and Supreme Councils of State / Public Affairs and King’s House (BiZa / AZ), for Kingdom Relations (KOREL), for Infrastructure, Water and Environmental Management (IWO), for Economic Affairs, Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (EZK / LNV), Education, Culture and Science (OCW) and Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) discuss proposed measures related to COVID-19.
You can find an overview of the agendas for all committee meetings here.
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