Frustrated Rick Brandsteder: left with ‘three chickens’ at Het Perfecte Plaatje op Reis

Frustrated Rick Brandsteder: left with ‘three chickens’ at Het Perfecte Plaatje op Reis

Rick Brandsteder, Leonie Ter Brack, Numidia Al Marabit, Wildbrass and Tatum Daggillette also try to capture the perfect shot in this episode. Soon the wheat separates from the chaff. Rick and Tatum score best after the first task where they have to take a landscape photo.

This means that Leonie, Numidia, and Wildebras are in the danger zone. They have to hammer in the last mission. And this is very intense: they have to film the rugby match. Rick decides to help his friend Wildebras by providing evidence. “Those guys are going to attack now, so you better stand there,” Rick shouted from the sidelines to his male competitor.

“I don’t know if it’s smart to help him, but I want Wildebras to stay in the program,” he later explains. Rick’s worst nightmare is making it to the next episode with Tatum, Leonie, and Numidia. “It would be something if I stayed here with three of those chickens later.”

Rick is right in his own right, because one of the chickens runs through the field like a headless chicken during the mission. “Here they come,” Tatum exclaimed excitedly at first. But then it turned out that she entered the field of rugby players. “Oh, my God“I’m in the field,” she exclaims, running away from the men. I am ashamed of these guys. I just got in the way.”

(The text continues below the video.)

It’s time for the final evaluation. And it soon turns out that Leonie got herself out of the danger zone, because she won the second task. It is still between Numidia and Wildebras and the latter has to clear the field. “It’s very unfortunate,” says Brass. “I’m usually a bad loser, but when I put it on the scale and see what I got in return: getting to know beautiful people and also starting to grow as a person and as a photographer.”

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Now the Wildebras must go home. “I thought it was really cool, man. You really only experience this once in your life. I guess I should be proud of myself. (…) This warrior is going home. It’s what it is.”

How Rick keeps his cool with his ‘three chickens’ around him, we’ll see next Wednesday at 8.30pm on RTL 4 at Picture perfect travel.

Wildebras enters Travel Photo Perfect: Audience Award One last chance to show he’s the best photographer of the season. You can see how he does it in the video below.

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