Frans Bauer’s special waste method: Viewers were amazed

Frans Bauer’s special waste method: Viewers were amazed

Frans Bauer enters the battle against Kilo for the umpteenth time. On Thursday evening’s episode of “De Bauers”, the singer from Fijnaart dared to try a very special way of wasting. For example, he allows Mariska to smear him with mud and wears a silver astronaut suit. Viewers’ reaction was surprising.

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Evie Hendrix

In X, Frans is compared to, among other things, a mummy and an astronaut. It’s a strange sight. First, Mariska wraps the singer in bandages dipped in a clay mixture. Then he wears a silver suit for half an hour. Everything to lose weight.

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Healthy eating and exercise can’t come fast enough for the singer. Weight loss and France Bauer are not a good match, according to viewer Marja. To help him get started, Mariska came up with the idea of ​​a mud suit, which according to a friend of hers, works great. This would allow the prosthesis to dissolve fat.

This still seems to work. Before he wrapped himself, France’s chest circumference was 127cm and his waist circumference was 118cm. After his wonderful method, his chest size decreased by three centimeters and his waist became two centimeters smaller.

However, viewers doubt whether he actually lost weight due to the astronaut suit. Gert Jan believes that the kilos will return soon. Nick advises the singer to exercise more and consume fewer calories. “There are no crazy differences and nonsense,” he writes.

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France’s children are also skeptical of their father’s attempts to lose weight. “So at a certain point you think: ‘I’m not going to exercise, I’m going to do all sorts of other things to lose weight,'” says eldest son Christian, surprised. “He’s absolutely crazy,” France Jr. says.

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Viewer Romy is surprised by the success of the garbage trick and begins to remember the trick. Morris wonders if it’s possible to wear mud suits after today.

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