France Bauer will have to get his fries from somewhere else from now on, because the business is about to close

France Bauer will have to get his fries from somewhere else from now on, because the business is about to close

France Bauer will have to get his fries with mayonnaise and satay sauce elsewhere from October 1, because the singer’s favorite snack bar will close its doors. Ad and Josien van Nispen have resigned from ‘t Nippeltje in Ulvenhout because 69-year-old Ad has a new job. From now on, electric charging stations will be labeled. A career change affects the entire village, because ‘t Nippeltje is the only chip shop there.

Personal photo of member Ronald Strater
written by

Ronald Strater

Yes, he will miss his chip shop very much. Ad van Nispen doesn’t beat around the bush. Especially interacting with customers. “We’ve always had a lot of fun here,” he says. “Sometimes the smile is missing and we can see that easily. When customers ask me what’s delicious, I say there’s nothing delicious to eat here. It’s all too greasy and they shouldn’t eat French fries, haha. We make fun of things a little and then the smile comes Normally.”

“Frying French fries is fun, but attaching electric charging stations gives me more peace of mind.”

That will change on October 1, because after almost twenty years, the chip shop on Dorpsstraat in Ulvenhout will close. It is somewhat necessary, because the equipment needs to be replaced and the large investment is no longer worth it. “You start thinking and then you realize you’re at the age where you really should be retiring,” Ad, 69, said of the closure.

He may stop making french fries, but “De Nibel,” the nickname he earned in school, isn’t retired just yet. From now on, Ad will be assisted by his son, who is the co-owner of a successful electric charging station company. He labels them and prepares them for shipping. It provides some extra financial scope and he loves it. “It makes a big difference, but I can do it in my free time and whenever I want. The baking chips are fun, but the stickers give me more peace of mind. And my son says he needs me.”

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He will be missed by the chip shop customers. The most famous of these is singer Frans Bauer. “He’s coming in a little less often than he used to, but we’re still in touch,” Ad says. “He always wants french fries with mayonnaise and satay sauce. Will he lose weight again? Then it would really be better for him not to eat french fries, but a lot of lettuce. It won’t be easy, because he’s completely Burgundy. From now on he has to go somewhere what.” Somewhere else, haha.”

“I’m already used to it, but of course I’m going to miss everyone.”

Other enthusiasts will also have to get their “fat mouth” elsewhere after October 1st. Outside of Ulvenhout, ‘t Nippeltje is the only chip shop in the village. “It’s a shame,” says a woman who just ordered everything. “It’s always fun here and the fries are delicious. I come here every week and now I have to go to Breda from now on.”

Ad van Nispen finds the decision particularly unfortunate for his wife, Josien, 70 years old. She also shared the joys and sorrows of clients. “It’s a shame,” says Josian, who prefers to remain in the background. “We actually made the decision a year ago. I’ve already gotten used to it, but of course I’ll miss everyone.”

Advertisement “De Nippel” from Nispen stops making French fries.

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